Service TWS

The following table shows you an overview of our services and prices.



1 Import

Incoming Airfreight shipments , that was flown or trucked to HAJ

111 Physical and documentary handling
Physical and documentary handling of ULD's or loose freight.
acceptance according to the Manifest, check, stock and release from stock.
Presentation to customs, CC - exchange, Avis, POD, Documentation through Handling program ATIS incl. IATA Cargo IMP Message RCV und DLV

0,12 €/ kg

minimum 10,00 € per manifest

112 BUP Units 0,05 € / kg
Aircraft and Airfreight replacement Acceptance of BUP from the Airlines according to the Manifest, release from stock per unit. Presentation to customs, CC - exchange, Avis, POD, documentation incl. Message RCV max 80,00 € per BUP
Deduction on an monthly tonnage of more than 30t regarding Code 111 0,01 € / kg
Deduction on an monthly tonnage of more than 50t regarding Code 111 0,02 € / kg
113 Car unloading 25,00 € / car
Physical and documentary handling. Acceptance of Car-Units from the Airline according to the Manifest, release of the units, presentation to customs, CC - exchange , Avis, POD, documentation incl. Message RCV
114 Bike unloading 20,00 € / bike
Physical and documentary handling. Acceptance of Bike-Units from the Airline according to the Manifest, release of the units, presentation to customs, CC - exchange , Avis, POD, documentation incl. Message RCV
115 CC-Fee
Cash on delivery of the Collect - Fee 26,00 € / shipment
2 Export
21 Airfreight shipments that are send out by truck or aircraft ex HAJ
211 Loose freight 0,12 € / kg
Physical and documentary handling . acceptance of Export shipments "ready for carriage" in order of an Airline, loading according to the freight list as well as manifesting and documentation incl. FFM
212 Palletised freight 0,14 € / kg
Physical and documentary handling . acceptance of Export shipments "ready for carriage" in order of an Airline, Palletising according to the freight list incl. lashing and net of the Palettes as well as manifesting and documentation incl. FFM
Deduction on an monthly tonnage of more than 30t to Code 211+212 0,01 € / kg
Deduction on an monthly tonnage of more than 50t to Code 211+212 0,02 € / kg
213 BUP units 0,05 € / kg
Physical and documentary handling . acceptance of BUP units "ready for carriage" in order of an Airline, loading according the fright list as well as manifesting und documentation max 80,00 € per BUP
214 Car loading 80,00 € / car
Physical and documentary handling. Acceptance of Car's "ready for carriage" in order of an Airline, loading according the freight list on Palettes incl. lashing and planks on outlines as well as manifesting and documentation
215 Bike loading 50,00 € / bike
Physical and documentary handling. Acceptance of bike's "ready for carriage" in order of an Airline, loading according the freight list on Palettes incl. lashing and planks on outlines as well as manifesting and documentation
216 Security Fee 20,00

per issued AWB ( min. 30,00?)

22 Dangerous goods acceptance
221 DGR - Check with one UN Number 75,00 € / shipment
incl. not restr. in dry ice and radioactive expected package as well as NOTOC issuing
222 DGR - Check with 2 to 10 UN Numbers as well as NOTOC issuing 95,00 € / shipment
223 DGR - Check with more then 10 UN Numbers as well as NOTOC issuing 120,00 €/ shipment
224 Issue of carriage document gem. ADR 15,00 € / shipment
3 Stockservices
31 Storage Fee
311 Storage charge per stocking day and shipment 3,00 € / starting 100 kg
Acceptation day plus 32 hours free. (Is the day of arrival a Friday the following weekend is free) minimum 10,00 € / Shipment
312 Storage charge for radioactive material (RRW RRY)

20,00 € / starting 100kg

per shipment and Storing day, from day of storing.
313 Storage charge for explosives (all materials of class 2-6 and 8-9) 20,00 € / starting 100kg

per shipment and stocking day from day of storing.

314 Storage charge for DGR-Shipments (all materials of class 2-6 and 8-9) 10,00 € / starting 100kg
315 Storage charge for valuables (VAL) 25,00 € / starting 100kg
and risk of theft shipments (VUN) per shipment and stocking day from day of storing.
316 Storage charge for reefer Cargo +3C° 15,00 € / starting 100kg
per shipment and stocking day from day of storing
317 Storage charge for reefer Cargo -18C 20,00 € / starting 100kg
per shipment and stocking day from day of storing
318 Storage charge for human remains 20,00 € / shipment
per shipment and stocking day from day of storing
319 Storing charge for alive animals AVI 30,00 € / shipment
in the Veterinary station per Shipment

Storing, mentoring and feeding through trained keeper for alive animals AVI

per shipment per day from day of arrival for following animals:

55,00 € / animal per day

Cat, Polecat 45,00 € / animal per day
Small animals, Birds 25,00 € / animal per day
Other not names animals on request
32 Other Stocking services
321 Cargo Damage Report 15,00 €/ assessment of damage
Issue of an assessment of damage with Pictures
322 Break open and release of Consolidations shipments or BUP 0,05 €/ kg
units according the manifest (break bulk)
323 Build of Pallets for the delivery as BUP to an Airline

0,05 € / kg maximum 80,00 € / ULD

4 Other Services
41 Place of equipments and staff
411 Managing clerk

25,00 € / starting 1/2 hour

412 Loading aid with Fork lifter by 2,0 t 10,00 € / starting 1/4 hour
413 Loading aid with Fork lifter over 2,0 t on effort
414 E - Hauler with driver 10,00 €/ starting 1/4 hour
42 Scaling
421 Weight note 2,00 € / starting 100kg
additional loader with fork lifter 10,00 € / once
422 Weighting of ULD?s 5,00 € / ULD
423 Lift table usage 20,00 € / starting 60 minimum
43 Others
431 Acceptance of shipments "not ready for carriage"

0,10 € / kg

Acceptance, weighting, measuring, label and customs clearance

minimum 10,00 € / shipment

432 Printing of IATA AWB - Label 0,08 € / label
433 Sale of DGR Label 0,30 € / label
434 AWB preparation 15,00 € / awb
AWB correction 10,00 € / awb
435 T - 1 preparation 35,00 € / event
436 Security check by Simulation 8,50 € / starting 100kg
Acceptance of the shipment, transport to the S - chamber and hand over Of the simulated shipment with record 25,00€ minimum
437 Cargo Lashing of boxes and Palettes on effort
438 Place of cargo securing materials at the Aircraft on effort
(planks, ropes, grommets, foil, matt) per securing package mind. 5,00 €
439 Issue of accident procedures sheet reg. ADR 5,00 € / shipment
44 Customs clearance
441 ALFA/ATLAS display for IATA member and Forwarder 12,50 € / declaration
442 ALFA/ATLAS display for individual 15,00 € / declaration
443 ATLAS Partition of Consolidation shipments (MAWB) to House-AWB

10,00 € / MAWB

45 IATA Cargo Imp - Massages
451 Import-Messages on demand 0,15 € / message
452 Export-Massages on demand 0,15 € / message
453 ULD-Massages on demand 0,15 € / message
5 Transport Services
51 Transport Services
511 Trucking
acceptance and loading of freight, transport (inc. Toll) to:
FRA (Airport, Cargo City Sud, Kelsterbach ) 0,14 € / kg
on the traffic days 1-5 min. 15,00 € / shipment
DUS 0,14 € / kg
on the traffic days 2-5 min. 15,00 € / shipment
AMS 0,15 € / kg
on the traffic days 1-5 min. 15,00 € / shipment
Other Destinations on request
512 Shuttle services between ALC und Airport 0,05 € / kg
min. 10,00 € / shipment
Valid from 01. January 2008


   +49 (0)511 - 235965-0

   +49 (0)511 - 235965-3


Our partners


CSA - Czech Airlines

Air Astana

TNT - Logistics
